Meet the Team

Allie detrio

CEO & chief strategist

Allie Detrio is the Chief Strategist for Reimagine Power, where she specializes in helping clients navigate continuously evolving energy policies and regulations so they can focus on innovating the way to a more sustainable clean energy future.  She has over 15 years of experience working in clean energy and sustainability holding a variety of positions in policy, operations, business development, and research

Detrio is known for her fierce advocacy work in the industry. In 2018, she was awarded the California Solar & Storage Association's Annual Award for her leadership in passing legislation to commercialize the microgrid market in California (SB 1339) and legislation extending the state’s energy storage incentive program authorizing $800M in new funding (SB 700). Recently, Allie was a key player in securing microgrid eligibility and funding ($700M) for California’s new reliability incentive programs (AB 205). 

Outside of RP, Allie serves as the Senior Advisor for the Microgrid Resources Coalition (MRC), where she manages all microgrid industry advocacy efforts in the west, including serving as an expert witness and providing testimony in multiple state legislatures and commissions, and is a registered lobbyist for the MRC in California. Prior to founding Reimagine Power, Allie was the Manager of Policy & Strategy at ENGIE, a global microgrid developer, the largest IPP and provider of energy services in the world, and where Allie cut her teeth on microgrid policy. 

Allie was one of the first in the world to receive an accredited B.S. in Sustainability from the Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University. She was a cohort of the Decision Center for a Desert City and has minors in Economics, History and Philosophy. 

read more about allie's advocacy efforts here


Allie leads the microgrid industry's government and regulatory affairs, serving as Senior Advisor for the Microgrid Resources Coalition, where she advocates for microgrids, resiliency, new cleantech business models, and energy market evolution in the west coast.

Since leading the passage of SB 1339 (Stern) in 2018, California's landmark microgrid legislation, Allie has been a fierce advocate for microgrid commercialization at the CPUC. She has fully participated in all tracks of the R.19-09-009 docket, including submitting proposals for robust tariffs and advanced rate designs that capture grid services and resiliency value of microgrids. She has also worked with numerous clients to produce Community Microgrid policy roadmaps, regulatory engagement strategies, and political analyses that will inform California's vision for a 21st century grid that prioritizes community energy needs.

Allie continues to be involved in legislative initiatives for microgrids and community resiliency, working in partnership with the MRC and Climate Center to pass the Community Energy Resilience Act, and leading coalition efforts to fund microgrids, DERs and resiliency investments at the CA state legislature. She continues to be a vocal advocate for a new utility business model in California and market design changes that promote local clean energy development.


In 2021, Allie was re-elected to the Board of Directors of the Bioenergy Association of California and also serves as BAC's Chair of the Electricity Committee. Alongside BAC and leading Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs), Allie helped pass AB 322 (Salas) to prioritize grants for biomass and AB 843 (Aguiar-Curry) to expand the BioMAT program to CCAs.

Allie has developed sophisticated project implementation strategies and navigated interconnection for biomass microgrids for rural communities. RP has helped secure multiple grants for clients to evaluate biomass and community resilience investments. She is a vocal advocate for regenerative forest biomass, firm clean power resources, and rural resiliency initiatives.


Allie is a veteran and award-winning advocate of the solar + storage industry, promoting local clean energy solutions, energy independence, and customer empowerment in California. She is a prominent member of the California Solar & Storage Association, California Energy Storage Alliance, and supports numerous clients in the sector with policy and regulatory strategy.

Allie has had to play a lot of defense in 2021, playing a key role in helping to defeat AB 1139 in the legislature through grassroots influence and heroic coalition building efforts with many diverse stakeholders. She has been a leading advocate for the multifamily solar market in the hotly contested NEM 3.0 Docket at the CPUC. She has written extensive comments and testimony on the benefits of DERs for renters in apartments, correctly educated regulators on how electricity currents flow on the distribution system, and even cross-examined herself during the evidentiary hearing in 2021.

Many know Allie from her efforts in 2018, where she was awarded CALSSA's First Annual MVP Award for her leadership in passing SB 700 (Wiener) which authorized over $800 million in new funding for energy storage systems, expanding the Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) and accelerating cleantech market transformation in California. Allie continues to work with clients to build grassroots support for local solar + storage and influence positive outcomes for communities and customers in California and beyond.

Christine hutchison

Chief Administrative Officer

Christine joined Reimagine Power shortly after launch and was quickly promoted to Director of Operations where she used her high-level administrative, communication, human resources management, and creative design skills to help grow the RP team to what it is today. As of 2024 Christine has become our Chief Administrative Officer where she helps lead the team, oversees all internal aspects of the organization, and serves as Allie Detrio's executive counsel. 

She started her career in hospitality in Cleveland, OH and soon moved to Raleigh, NC where she pivoted to the veterinary industry for her love of animals. Working at a locally owned vet clinic, she found her passion for small business management and honed in on her leadership, interpersonal, and operational skills. After her daughter was born, Christine joined Allie at Reimagine Power where her versatile work experience and creative energy makes her a critical part of the team and culture

Christine's educational background includes a B.S. in Restaurant and Hotel Management and Business Administration from Ohio University and certifications in Payroll Accounting and Human Resources Administration from Wake Technical Community College. 

Allison Hilliard

Policy Manager

Allison (Allie H) is Reimagine Power's Policy Manager based in Sacramento, CA. She specializes in California legislative affairs and provides critical research and insight into the activities at state agencies such as the CEC, CPUC, OPR, SGC, and CARB. Her role within RP has expanded greatly since starting out and in addition to her imperative policy work, she piloted our internship program in the beginning of 2023. Allie H now leads a team of policy analysts where she guides them in both legislative and regulatory affairs while continuing to oversee our social media accounts where we provide real-time coverage of the microgrid and cleantech industry. 

Before joining the RP team, Allison graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in May of 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic. During that time, she worked as a Legislative Intern for the Hawaii Solar Energy Association (HSEA) and then transitioned to Alternate Energy, a solar company, where she focused on administrative responsibilities. There she gained operational and on-the-ground coordination skills to elevate her career in the renewable energy industry. She soon connected with Allie Detrio where she was brought on to assist RP with policy work and the rest is history. 

Allison's passion for her work and magnetic energy makes her an invaluable part of the Reimagine Power team. Keep an eye out for her at the capitol where you can find her repping RP and championing for exciting policies and projects! 

Check out RP on twitter @ReimaginePower

Selena Feliciano

PR & Outreach Consultant

Selena is an outreach & marketing consultant based in Oakland, CA amplifying the messages of people and movements rooted in climate justice. With Reimagine Power, Selena has leveraged the team's policy expertise to spearhead campaigns that support federally-recognized tribes in their pursuit of energy sovereignty, and that help California communities leverage technologies for an energy future free from fossil fuels.

Selena has a passion for the critical redesign of 21st century collective ownership--that of regenerative land stewardship, cooperative models of sustainable asset creation for underrepresented groups, and energy resilience. As such, she currently serves as the National Campaign Coordinator of the Reimagined Energy for our Communities (REFOCUS) campaign at the Energy Democracy Project, and as a board-member of People Power Solar Cooperative. Most recently, she has also held leadership roles within the California Alliance for Community Energy, Berkeley Student Cooperative Alumni Association,  and the Coalition for Environmental Equity and Economics (CEEE). She currently serves as an Environmental Justice Advisor with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. When not supporting community and clients, Selena is surfing, hiking among redwoods, or on two wheels with her bicycle-touring theatre troupe (Agile Rascal). 

More info at:

Daniel Howard, Ph.D.

Senior Analyst &

Technical Regulatory COnsultant

Dr. Daniel Howard is a visionary energy researcher, entrepreneur, and has been part of multiple disruptive technology startups. He is the technical regulatory consultant for Reimagine Power and supports the firm with regulatory affairs strategy and writing, expert research and quantitative analysis on the economic, environmental, public heath, and social costs and benefits of clean energy, power system and electrical engineering consulting, and client strategy development. Outside of Reimagine Power, Dr. Howard develops software at his company Quantum Energy, Inc. to provide corporations, governments and utilities with a more complete picture of the human health and ecosystem impacts of their energy decisions. 

Dr. Howard has a Ph.D. in Energy and Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Irvine. He was previously a research fellow for the National Science Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

More info at:

Igor Tregub

Strategic Partnerships Director & Senior Policy Advisor

Igor joins the Reimagine Power team as our Strategic Partnerships Director and Senior Policy Advisor where he specializes in the development of new and ongoing strategic partnerships, coalition building activities, grassroots mobilization, and stakeholder engagement with an expert focus on energy democracy for multifamily rooftop solar, battery storage, and microgrid and EV charging systems. Prior to Reimagine Power, he served at the California Solar and Storage Association (CALSSA), California’s largest renewable energy trade association. 

Before CALSSA, Igor spent 12 years at the U.S. Department of Energy serving in roles spanning nuclear safety, nonproliferation, energy, and intergovernmental affairs in California, Nevada, Texas, Washington, D.C., and Central Asia. His local public service experience includes two elected terms on the Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board, various appointed roles, and service on the Sierra Club’s California Executive Committee and other nonprofit boards. Igor has founded and/or has served as a partner at several small businesses specializing in campaign strategies consulting, and regulatory and legislative advocacy. 

He holds an M.S. in Engineering Management from Duke, a Certificate in International Security from Stanford, a Certificate in Public Leadership from the University of San Francisco, and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and B.A. in Political Science from UC Berkeley. Outside of his local and state advocacy, he is organizing to bring distributed solar and storage and energy democracy and deploy an Energy Security Marshall Plan to his homeland of Ukraine.

WATCH: Our very own Igor speaks in Oakland about the unfair PUC rooftop solar proposal.

LISTEN: Learn more about this proposal.



Rachel is a policy strategy consultant based in Alameda, CA, helping clients across the clean energy industries and advocacy community achieve their regulatory, legislative, and market development goals in California and beyond. Rachel adds more capacity & firepower to Reimagine Power's client advising and advocacy work.

Prior to launching her consulting practice in 2020, founder Rachel served as Director of Policy and Business Development, West for Borrego Solar (now New Leaf Energy), during which time she served on the board of the California Solar and Storage Association (CALSSA). Prior to joining Borrego Solar, Rachel co-founded and ran Leadership for a Clean Economy, a nonprofit political organization that recruited, supported, and elected climate leaders to state and local office in California. Rachel previously worked on a number of electoral campaigns, most recently serving as the Political Director for a 2012 congressional campaign that defeated the incumbent by four percent. Rachel holds a B.A. in Public Policy from Duke University. 

More info at:

Maia Adams

Policy Analyst

Maia joined the Reimagine Power team in the beginning of 2023 as part of our pioneer internship program while attending Occidental College in Los Angeles as an Urban and Environmental Policy major. She started as a Policy Intern working closely with Allie H where she focused on legislative projects, critical research and writing, bill tracking, and communication with industry leaders. 

Maia took a break from RP in the summer of 2023 to work in DC as a Policy Intern with a biogas startup where she expanded her experience within the renewable energy sector. She rejoined RP in the fall as a Junior Policy Analyst while continuing her undergraduate studies and then took another break from her work with Reimagine Power to study abroad in Spain in the Spring of 2024 where she got a chance to broaden her horizons across the pond.

Since returning to CA, we are ecstatic to have Maia back with the team once again, and she has since been promoted to Policy Analyst! While she finishes her undergraduate degree, she will continue her legislative policy research and writing, and assist Allie H in important industry initiatives and microgrid projects. We are so proud of Maia and can't wait to see what is in store for her in the coming months! 

amanda almasri

Strategic Growth Advisor 

Amanda joins the Reimagine Power team as our Strategic Growth Advisor, offering a mix of strategic insight, business acumen, and organizational leadership expertise. She is passionate about driving positive change in the clean energy sector.

Prior to joining RP, Amanda worked at Clean Energy Associates (CEA) in Strategic Planning. There, she was instrumental in identifying green energy trends and devising plans to boost market share. Driven by her strong commitment to inclusivity and diversity, she also advised on methods to achieve broader representation within CEA’s leadership roles. Amanda brings a unique international perspective to the RP team. She lived and worked in China for 9 years and earned her Master of Business Administration from London Business School and China Europe International Business School. Now settled in the Bay Area, Amanda remains committed to a future where green energy is both accessible and efficient for local communities.

Will Vochelli

Content Curator 

Will Vochelli joined the Reimagine Power team in the summer of 2023 as a Social Media Associate after graduating from The Los Angeles Film School with a B.S. in Animation and Visual Effects. Through personal connections, he synced up with Allison Hilliard, our Senior Policy Analyst, and was able to find some solid ground at RP to continue his professional journey. 

Will started off working under the tutelage of Hilliard where his main focus was creating digital media, but before long he expanded his role into leading specialty content and graphic design projects. Will has played a pivotal role in amplifying the business' social media presence and continues to use his creative and journalistic skills to highlight the team and RP's important advocacy work. Will has been an excellent addition to the Reimagine Power team and we are excited to see him continue to foster growth through his hard work and originality. 

Keep an eye out on RP's LinkedIn and other social networks for updates on the team, ongoing projects, and more!

Zoe Bennett

Junior Policy Analyst

Zoe Bennett is the newest addition to the Reimagine Power team, coming on board as a Junior Policy Analyst. Originally from Colorado, she holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado Boulder in Environmental Studies, as well as minors in Business and Geology. Her passion for environmental stewardship had most recently led her to Juneau, Alaska where she served as a naturalist guide while conducting citizen research projects on local humpback populations.

Since returning to the lower 48, Zoe has settled in Santa Cruz where she continues to expand her skills through the UC Berkeley Extension data analytics program. Zoe's data-driven background mixed with a passion for environmentalism makes her a welcome piece of the RP puzzle and wonderful addition to our dynamic team. We cannot wait to see her blossom with us and within the industry!